Yes, you can ask other factories to deliver the goods to our factory to load them together in one container.
Yes, you can ask other factories to deliver the goods to our factory to load them together in one container.
Yes, it is ok even in hot weather, such as South African countries, up to 60 degree.
Yes, it is ok in the winter of the snow, can be ok under the weather of -40 degree.
Yes, it is ok We also sell our spare parts seperately. But the price will be little higher then the full complete items.
Yes, we will attend the international fair to show our productsSuch such as Canton Fair, German Fair, Dubai Fair, Brazil Fair and etc.
No, we don't have any request of the quantity, we accept an order even with only one set of box.
We will arrange your drawing once we get all the specification and requirement for your company. Usually 1 working day, max. 3 working days.
Yes, we accept and will help to design for you.
We pack the products by hard and strong paper cartons, we will use pallet if necessary.
Our factory has been involved in this field for over 20 years, we got lots of experience.
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